Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pablo Valbuena

Two new works by Pablo Valbuena who has always kept one of the cleanest minimalist style working through videoprojection on architecture, recently Pablo made time tilings [stuk] consisting in four site-specific interventions at Artefact festival in STUK Kunstencentrum. Leuven, 2013. 
The other new work called chrono-graphy [max estrella 2013-2010] is a site and time specific project using black paint on walls, floors and ceilings at Max Estrella Gallery in Madrid, 2013. See more;

time tilings [stuk], 2013

"Architecture is judged by eyes that see, by the head that turns, and the legs that walk. Architecture is not a synchronic phenomenon but a successive one, made up of pictures adding themselves one to the other, following each other in time and space, like music."

chrono-graphy [max estrella 2013-2010]

chrono- : time (from gr. khronos)
-graphy : process of writing, drawing, representing or recording (from gr. graphia)

"The outlines of the works presented in previous exhibitions are drawn on the surfaces of the gallery, visualizing the memory of the space and shaping a time-based cartography."

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