Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Liquid Vehicle Transmitter by Brenna Murphy

Liquid transistor resonancy valley, 2013 - Archival pigment print mounted to Dibond

Brenna Murphy's new exhibition "Liquid Vehicle Transmitter" will be at YBCA (San Francisco) till next September 8, a show curated by Ceci Moss.

"Brenna Murphy begins each new work with a digital image file and proceeds to manipulate it across multiple applications—Photoshop, Blender, After Effects, and more—to create a unique, artificial aesthetic. Patterns recur at various scales, imbuing her structures and environments with a mesmerizing, hallucinatory effect. We are invited to negotiate our own place within this realm, and sync in." - Ceci Moss. See more;

"Recalling the kinds of interactions with digital screens that have now become second nature—zooming, clicking, scrolling—Murphy’s video games, mindbending prints, websites, and intricate installations require us to physically, mentally, and visually navigate a terrain. The artist often refers to the structure of the labyrinth as a central concept across her multidisciplinary output, and its logic is a major factor in dictating the viewer’s orientation within a work. […]

Murphy’s YBCA exhibition, Liquid Vehicle Transmitter, seems to offer up yet another form, the emergent labyrinth. It transports the visitor to an alien universe where obsessively detailed compositions morph and slide into one another. Like the strange, shifting interiors found in the video game exhibited in this show, Nightscape Navigator, new things appear as you move forward. The path is never set, but seems to reconstitute itself afresh as you take each next step. […]

Like all of Murphy’s work, her new installation emergent entity chant array seeks an attunement with the viewer. Dizzyingly intricate, it permits multiple entry points on the visual, physical, and sonic registers. Murphy’s interest in audience engagement also informs her involvement in two different art collectives, MSHR and Oregon Painting Society. These groups use unique handmade electronic instruments to experiment with performance, sound, sculpture, and installation. They transform the surrounding environment into another domain, bringing about transcendent happenings that test the audience’s sense of reality." - Ceci Moss, Assistant Curator of Visual Arts

Liquid Vehicle Transmitter digital prints
Archival pigment prints mounted to dibond
Images courtesy American Medium

Opal twins, 2013

Sky lattice, 2013

Insect vehicle, 2013

Nightscape Navigator
download for Mac and PC
Nightscape Navigator is part of MSHR, a collaborative project by Brenna Murphy and Birch Cooper.

Emergent entity chant array

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