Saturday, September 15, 2012

Plink Flojd

Today we have a interview with Plink Flojd, an audio/visual collective which is featuring a lot of great artists. The project started by David Quiles Guillo with co-founders Yoshi Sodeoka and Eric Mast AKA E*Rock. They collaborate with artists from all over the world. Also they are presenting into the post three new pieces by Manuel Fernández + remix by Droid-ON, Mario Zoots + remix by Modern Witch and Gusti Fink + remix by Grapefruit. I also added other great pieces, but you can find all at See more;

▼ Read the interview ▼

What is Plink Flojd? How did it start? 
Its an ongoing art project disguised as a band. Plink Flojd is a conceptual cross-platform group that adds members as it grows like an amoeba that feeds off of Pink Floyd samples, digesting it and expelling it as something somehow new.

Video by Manuel Fernández + remix by Droid-ON

Why Pink Floyd? not Metallica? Are you guys fans of Pink Floyd? 
Its iconic. Its not necessary to be a fan of Pink Floyd, although they were a very cutting edge band that managed to go mainstream and blow kids minds for years and years. Somehow in the process Pink Floyd became this household name that spans a huge variety of creative output, so its also a way of looking at something right in front of your nose in a fresh way again. Not taking things for granted. After we started the project we realized that The Boredoms "Super Roots" series was maybe our biggest connecting influence; the idea that the project could act as as sketchbook for new ideas and exploration and bring people together from far and wide; both globally and from different creative realms.

Video by Mario Zoots + remix by Modern Witch

What are the boundaries of the project if any? 
The only boundary is to sample Pink Floyd, which is just a starting point, a catalyst so that people aren't starting with a blank slate. Its more about energy and not worrying about ego or rules, but having some starting point is always a good jump off. It is actually the idea of sampling Plink Floyd what really turns us on... but sampling in the wider meaning... no need to "sound like" Pink Floyd, but more to know we are starting where they left it... and knowing that whatever the result is, it will always be far away from the point it started.

Boundaries are kind of frontiers... we try to cross them all...

Video by Gusti Fink + remix by Grapefruit

How do you find artists and musicians for it? 
They find themselves. We kind of go around asking the artists and musicians we enjoy… and their agendas decide if they want to be part of it. It is a matter of luck and timing I guess. We invite to join the party, and some artists have time and are willing, and others are just too busy to drink with us.

Video by A. Bill Miller + remix by Yoshi Sodeoka

How can artists and/or musicians become part of Plink Flojd? Who should they contact? 
Easy as contacting by email any of the three heads that run the show. We are all very accessible and if you are nice to us, and hold some kind of talent, we will surely let you join the fun.

Video by Jonathan McCabe + remix by Jason Forrest

What are some dream collaborators that you would like to get involved?
Frank Sinatra, Bill Viola, Nina Hagen, Boards of Canada, Elvis Presley, David Lynch, George Frideric Handel, David O'Reilly, Lola Flores, Spike Jonze, Chiara Mastroiani, Zbigniew Preisner, Brian Eno, Tim Hecker, James Blake, Federico Fellini, Alva Noto, Bob Marley, Friends with you, Wham!, Amy Winehouse, Julio Iglesias, Darren Aronofsky, John Maus, Medeski Martin & Wood, Salvador Dali, Pascal Comelade, Ametsub, Nils Frahm, Terje Isungset, Autechre, Philip Glass, Claude Debussy, My Bloody Valentine, Gaspar Noé, Ben Frost, Alphaville, Lars Von Trier, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Roxy Music, Luis Buñuel, Supersilent, Team Doyobi, Aphex Twin…

Sabrina Ratte + Akin

Who have you worked with so far? 

Video by Lorna Mills + remix by Yoshi Sodeoka

What's next for Plink Flojd? 
We have a bunch more new pieces coming up from more artists. Then coming next is the world tour, which manifests in its basic form as screenings. The Portland screening in October will have some live music and live video elements as well as screening the regular PF videos.

Right now we are working with video and sound... But we intend to do live shows too... and gather the +20 member band to do amazing audiovisual performances. After that we will get a giant inflatable pig that shoots holographic video beams from its eyes… and of course… we will make a long animated feature film called "the call" or "the fall" or "the mall" (still undecided about the title).

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