Friday, December 31, 2010

Fire With Fire by Isabelle Hayeur

Isabelle Hayeur is a Montreal based artist who has created this impressive video projection called 'Fire With Fire'. The projection took place in Vancouver, Canada, consisting of 3 blu-ray players and video projectors, the piece is a 15 minute video loop that simulates a fire in a four-storey heritage building in the downtown eastside. Read more about the aim of this project here. See more;

(Esp) Isabelle Hayeur es una artista con sede en Montreal, es la autora de esta impresionante video proyección denominada 'Fire With Fire'. Esta tuvo lugar en Vancouver, Canadá, consta de 3 reproductores Blu-ray y proyectores de vídeo, la pieza es un bucle de 15 minutos de video que simula un incendio en un edificio histórico de cuatro pisos en el lado este del centro. Leer más sobre el objetivo de este proyecto aquí.

See video:
Making of:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


"Mansion" is the new virtual enviroment created by Tabor Robak. Download it inside the post, and see another recent and similar work called "Carbon" by Tabor on Creative Applications. See more;

"Mansion" es el nuevo entorno virtual creado por Tabor Robak. Se puede descargar en los links de arriba. Puedes ver otro de sus trabajos, muy reciente y similar a este llamado "Carbon" en Creative Applications.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Tessel is a kinetic sound installation investigating the perception of sound and space, it's constituted of a suspended and articulated topography of 4 x 2 m, subdivided into forty triangles. Twelve of them are fitted with motors and eight are equipped with audio transducers, which transform the surface into a dynamic sonic space. A dialogue between space and sound is created through this sculptural "choreography". Our perception is altered, as the surface slowly modifies its shape. From Tinguely's poetic machines to Alexander Calder's mobiles or Buckminster Fuller's synergetics, Tessel combines influences that question the link between geometry, movement and chaos, thus continuing the quest for beauty in the synesthetic perception of sound and spatial phenomenons.

The installation is on show right at TAG in the Hague as you can see on the pictures and will be on show at the Club Transmediale in Berlin opening 28th of January 2011. See more;

(Esp) Tessel es una instalación cinética que investiga la percepción del sonido y el espacio, está compuesta por una estructura articulada de 4 x 2 m, dividida en cuarenta triángulos y a la vez suspendida del techo. Doce de ellos están equipados con motores y de los cuales ocho incorporan transductores de audio, transformando la superficie en un espacio sonoro dinámico. Un diálogo entre el espacio y el sonido se crea a través de esta escultura "coreografía ". Nuestra percepción está alterada, como la superficie poco a poco modifica su forma.
Tessel combina influencias que cuestionan la relación entre la geometría, el movimiento y el caos, continuando así la búsqueda de la belleza en la percepción sinestésica de los fenómenos sonoros y espaciales.
Tessel ha sido creada entre el compositor y artista francés David Letellier y LAb[au], un estudio belga de artes electrónicas. Este proyecto es una co-producción de las galerías MediaRuimte (Bruselas) y Roger Tato (Lyon), realizado con el apoyo financiero de Arcadi, Dicream y la Commission des Arts Numériques de la Communauté Française de Belgique.

The name "Tessel" is derived from "tessellation", a term applied to the geometric subdivision of a surface into plane figures, also known as "tiling". It also describes a software technique that allows calculation of renderings through the subdivision of surfaces into polygons. The term has its origin in the Latin word ‘tessella’, describing the square tiles used to make mosaics.
Tessellation has been applied throughout history from ancient to modern times, from two to n-dimensional configurations and merges science and art through mathematics. Here Tessel is based on the ‘pinwheel pattern’, a non-periodic tiling coined by mathematicians Charles Radin and John Conway, which allows the creation of an infinitely complex geometry constructed with a simple single "seed": a right triangle. Here, the pinwheel pattern is transformed, folded and transposed to the third dimension.

Tessel is a collaboration between French composer and artist David Letellier, and LAb[au], Belgian electronic arts studio. Tessel is a co-production of the galleries MediaRuimte (Brussels) and Roger Tator (Lyon), realised with the financial support of Arcadi, Dicream and the Commission des Arts Numériques de la Communauté Française de Belgique.  

Wideshortslimlong by ANREALAGE

The fashion designer Kunihiko Morinaga was born in Tokyo in 1980. Graduated from Waseda University and Vantan Design Academy. The brand ANREALAGE was started in 2003, is a combination of words meaning ''real,unreal,and age.'' ANREALAGE works on super conceptual ideas, creating collections such as ''○△□'' ''凹凸'' and this work called "Wideshortslimlong" designed for 2010 A/W which I really appreciated the idea and the result, I love the distortion effect. See more;

(Esp) El diseñador de moda Kunihiko Morinaga nació en Tokio en 1980. Graduado en la  Waseda University and Vantan Design Academy. La marca ANREALAGE nace en 2003, es la combinación de las palabras en inglés 'real, irreal, y edad''. ANREALAGE trabaja en ideas super conceptuales, creando colecciones como ''○△□'' ''凹凸'' y como este proyecto denominado "Wideshortslimlong" diseñado para la temporada O / I 2010, de la cual me ha encantado la idea y el resulatado, el efecto de distorsión es brutal!

AZ Shop Online

Monday, December 27, 2010

Levi Jackson

Levi Jackson is a Utah (US) based artist working primarily in documented installation in nature as well as conceptual photography.

"For me, relationships are difficult things to understand and thus even more difficult to maintain. I am constantly battling with the ethical concerns within the philosophy of relational being. I am interested in asking these types of questions because relationships are what make life livable even though, for me especially, they can be discouraging. In a way my work does not talk directly about the importance of relationship, but the difficulties and the overall uncomfortableness of being." See more;

(Esp) Levi Jackson es un artista con sede en Utah (EE.UU.) trabaja principalmente en la instalación relacionada con la naturaleza, así como en la fotografía conceptual.

"Para mí, las relaciones son cosas difíciles de entender y sobretodo difícil de mantener. Estoy constantemente luchando con los problemas éticos dentro de la filosofía de ser relacional. Estoy interesado en hacer este tipo de preguntas porque las relaciones son las que hacen la vida vivible a pesar de que para mí que puede ser especialmente desalentador. De alguna manera mi trabajo no habla directamente acerca de la importancia de la relación, sino de las dificultades y la incomodidad general del ser."

Thank you Levi!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Aaron Finnis

Aaron Finnis, makes minimal and conceptual sculptures from audio reel tape and computer data tape that create visually stunning and beguiling three dimensional effects in space. Through the play of shadow and light on surface, Aaron creates shapes in tape sculptures that give the illusion of solid, geometric form. See more

(Esp) Aaron Finnis realiza minimalistas y conceptuales esculturas a partir de cinta de audio y de almacenamiento de archivos de ordenador creando bonitos y seductores efectos tridimensionales en el espacio. A través del juego de luces y sombras en la superficie Aaron crea una ilusión de estado sólido y geométrico.

"Recording turns the abstract into the tangible. Once on tape, audio, video and still images are simply pieces of plastic. The scene is no longer static but dynamic. It is malleable. It can be cut up, moved around, and pieced back together. Magnetized tape turns the transience in space and time of sound and images into something that is durable and changeable, and this is one of the main drives of my work."

(Esp) "La grabación convierte lo abstracto en tangible. La cinta, de audio, vídeo e imágenes fijas, son simples pedazos de plástico. La escena ya no es estática sino dinámica. Es maleable. Se puede cortar, mover alrededor, y reconstruir de nuevo. La cinta magnetizada convierte la transitoriedad en el espacio y el tiempo de sonido e imágenes en algo que es durable y cambiante, y esta es una de las unidades principales de mi trabajo. "

Each sculpture is a set dimension, and therefore a precise amount of recorded audio or data on tape. In his latest work Aaron has created a sculpture using the mysterious 'recorded numbers radio transmissions' on computer tape. The total size of the sculpture equals exactly 5.4MB in data. (Love this info)

Aaron thanks for your minimalist and conceptual work!

Onishi Yasuaki

Really interesting works by japanese artist Onishi Yasuaki. I specially loved these pieces made in 2004 and 2006. See more;

(Esp) Interesantes trabajos del artista japonés Onishi Yasuaki. Especialmente me ha gustado mucho estas piezas realizadas en 2004 y 2006.