Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LA Game Space needs your support!

LA Game Space is a project which really excites me and I'm sure it does as well to a lot of people involved in the digital field, specially because its goal is going to be to support art, games, artists and designers around the world. LA Game Space hopefully will be a place for game innovation, education, and exhibition, where all of us can play and make and study and showcase games. A place where we will rediscover what games have been, and re-imagine what games can be. Its artists residences which are the beating heart of the Space. The residents will be creators from diverse backgrounds working collaboratively to create experimental game projects. LA Game Space will provide residents with work space, exhibition opportunities, and feedback from an equally diverse group of bright minds. It's goal is to free residents from the limitations often presented by commercial game development.

The directors of the project Daniel Rehn and Adam Robezzoli have been working on this for over 3 years. Now, after thoughtful planning, building an amazing network of supporters, and finding the perfect location, need your help! They started a kickstarter project to try to get the budget of $250.000 goal (the project will only be funded if at least $250,000 is pledged by Friday Dec 7). The campaign behind of this project is another issue I love, as it offers a lot of different possibilities and prices to support (from $15,25, 55..) the backers can have a bunch of stuff such as 30 games, digital prints created by well known makers and artists which have been mentioned hero on the blog, and even for $5K you can be in the game as a playable character in Gaijin Games' RUNNER2! and more good stuff. See the video into the post to see the awesome space and more;

LA Game Space consists of four core components:  "ARTIST RESIDENCES (mentioned above).

Our GALLERIES will host large-scale exhibitions, interactive installations, performances, and retrospectives that can only be achieved at a space like this. We will be sharing catalogs, exhibition documentation, and the conversations surrounding gallery events online for everyone's benefit.

GAME RESEARCH LABS will enable live gameplay recordings including useful metadata such as button presses, pulse rate, face-tracking, and eye movement. These recordings will be made available online for researchers worldwide. The lab will also provide access to a wide variety of platforms and devices—both historical and contemporary—and support experimental hardware and interface projects.

Our SPEAKER SERIES will feature new dialogues with both traditional and nontraditional game-makers. Our WORKSHOPS will introduce newcomers to the medium and explore new processes and perspectives with experienced creators. Most events will be archived and available (for free) online. These events will also be livestreamed, and a moderator at the space will enable worldwide, remote participation."

Support LA Game Space here, there is a lot of people following a unique goal; make it happens!! :)

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