Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Junkjet Nº5 · net.heart

The image above is the cover of the fifth issue from the great collectable publication Junk Jet, it shows the real size of this last number (be sure you are seeing the real resolution, press cmd + 0). I like each publication has a different size, usually very handle, this is 25.5 x 15.5 cm with a total of 154 pages which content shows and speaks about the work of many talented net.artists and the internet culture. This issue called net.heart transfers internet things from their digital space into a paper jet. —— "It has developed an archive impossible that transports, in print format, net based works, or fragments of works showing collections, series, animations, applications, and reflecting anti-heart texts on the net and its new forms of art, design, and architecture. N°5, the net.heart issue, has transferred internet things from their digital space into a paper jet. This transportation procedure relies on documents in a similar way as the museum relies on photograph and video documenting performance arts. And Junk Jet believes that this analogue documentation is in no way inferior to pseudo-preserving techniques of data migration, emulation, or reprogramming. At the end, Junk Jet says: Transportation is not so much about the artwork as object, but rather about the indication of the subjective decision of the artist. In this sense Junk Jet is a Russian conceptualist."  It is edited by Mona Mahall and Asli Serbest. See more;

About the project Junk Jet, "is a zine-jet, a collaborative format set up to discuss speculative works on topics of media, aesthetics, and electronics. Junk Jet is an irregular series of medial events, and a low-fi paper publication, edited by Asli Serbest and Mona Mahall (m-a-u-s-e-r) and published by their own igmade.edition. Junk Jet is about wild forms and found objects, about weird theories and (small) narratives, anti-fashions and non-styles, about exploring do-it-yourself works, accidental outcomes, deviant and normal aesthetic forms that result from jammed common practices, misused media, and subverted customary tools. It is about cultivating an anti heart by “introducing noise to signal”." 

Artists featured in this Nº5 net.heart: 0100101110101101.ORG, Adam Cruces, Agathe Andre, Alessandro Bava, Alexei Shulgin, Angela Genusa, Angelo Plessas, Aureliano Segundo, Asli Serbest, Aristide Antonas, Artie Vierkant, Ball-Nogues, Bärbel Jetter, Bea Fremderman, Beatriz Ramo, Ben Aqua, Ben Vickers, Billy Rennekamp, Bonno van Doorn, Brad Troemel, Brian Droitcour, Bryan Boyer, Carsten Güth, Christian Oldham, Christine Nasz and Stefanie Hunold, Constant Dullaart, Dennis Knopf, Eilis Mcdonald, Fabien Mousse, Gene McHugh, Greg J. Smith, Hanne Mugaas, Jacob Engblom, Jasper Elings, JODI, Jonas Lund, Jordan Tate, Katja Novitskova, Laimonas Zakas, Lenox Twins, m-a-u-s-e-r, Marisa Olson, Michael Schoner, Mike Ruiz, Mimi Zeiger, Mona Mahall, Natalie Bookchin, Nicholas O'Brien, Nicolas Sassoon, NIEI, NLarchitects, Olia Lialina, Palace Palace, Ricardo Scofidio, Parker Ito, Patrick Cruz, Pieterjan Grandry, Rafaël Rozendaal, Raphael Bastide, Sam Hancocks, Sarah Weis, Something Fantastic, Sterling Crispin, Theo Seemann, Will Brand, Wyne Veen.

You can buy this Nº5 directly here in the following (paypal) link, the price includes also the shipping costs.


Click images to enlarge.


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