Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ana Gale

Ana Gale is a Slovenian art director based in Barcelona. She works from digital tools like Processing. I enjoyed her portfolio, and really liked a project by No-Domain called 3XL: LOAD, RELOAD & OFF (TV 3) where Ana has collaborated such as art director and designer. She did really interesting aesthetics from cool tools like datamosh, glitch by code, Processing... See more;

Canal 3XL

"The TV station was looking for a studio that could develop an brand image that would show mutation andspeed breaking through the screen with a hand made, unfinished DIY style.
In the process, we used the codes to decompose, disintegrate and collision all the video and still elements that came from the stations shows. We generated more than 200 clips that we called "Graphic Artillery" and that would be recombined and integrated into new compositions of branding, idents and bumpers.
Our idea was to generate a 2.0 DIY project based on experimental digital processes as a contemporary expression. As a result, the clips developed as a "Graphic Artillery" are combined into a wide range of editable after effects projects that can be operated within the TV station and can evolve infinitely."

"The project they (No-Domain) have developed responds to the fragmentation, brake down, detachment and intervention of media (images, graphics, etc). And once the media has been synthesized into its most elemental structure and manipulated and altered, a collision between them has been created, reaching erratic and anguishing images that are visually spectacular. This is the so called Graphic Artillery that has been used as a starting point to develop the whole collection of pieces."

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